Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pirates of the Caribbean

"Not all treasure in the world is silver and gold, mate." --- Capt. Jack Sparrow, The Pirates of the Caribbean

Every so often Dustin (Parsons Brinckerhoff) and I (Parsons Transportation Group....we're not related) have lunch at Zum-Dum (the actual spelling eludes bad) Indian Cuisine on 3rd and Spring. Between our Obama / McCain free-for-alls, we take notice of the TV monitor playing Indian music videos.

Yes, the women depicted are disgustingly attractive. Yes, the strong sexual content is strong, indeed. And yes, Bollywood...imho, hinges on abstract craziness to get by.

However, what intrigues both of us most is that many Hindu lunar new years ago, "artistic expressions" of this nature were taboo, to say the least. Since then, India has gradually opened up its markets through economic reforms and reduced government controls on foreign trade and investment.

Suffice to say, we love their hot music vide----er, "cultural exports." On some levels (now humor me for a spell), the actors/actresses depicted are cultural freedom fighters, rebels against a chaste society, etc. etc., fighting against cultural invisibility.

Now, to my
this article in the New York times , young men and women sustain a vast underground black market of information (everything from the newest episode of LOST to say, video feeds depicting Cuban govt. draconian-ism) amidst a overbearing communist climate, all in the name of cultural visibility (I rather not paraphrase more of the article, it really is a good read ;) )

At the risk of over-romanticizing, I think thats pretty effin' cool. Keyboard cowboys, armed with only stolen passwords and an eager memory stick, whose only crime is curiosity. I mean, I love the Internet; its like an umblical cord I dare not cut. But I wouldn't say, risk gov't persecution to prove my devotion. Not like these ppl do. Like the aforementioned "cultural freedom fighters" of India, these young, incendiary men and women are themselves, cultural freedom fighters, the "real" pirates of the Caribbean.

Now...where are those Cuban music videos, again?....haha j/k ;)

1 comment:

Sarah Alway said...

Indian food... I have not been brave enough to try it yet. Someday.