Monday, March 17, 2008

Red Vs. Green

Show of hands....anybody know what's wrong with this picture?....anybody?

What you just saw is referred to as a "red band" trailer. Traditionally, the previews that appear before every cinematic feature look like this:

As your psychic prowess (coupled with your ability to read) have no doubt surmised, the "green band" trailers are friendly (I abhor this concept as of late, since my 12 year old cousins have proved to be equally, if not more so, densensitized/hip than my relatively square ass). In other words, the content has been MPAA'ed by the MPAA (sorry kiddies, no graphic violence, sexual content, or objectionable imagery for ya).

Understand this first....I LOVE TRAILERS. They were the fun of going to the catch what was on the horizon. Yes, we can all remember being burned by that "one movie with the awesome trailer" *cough* Episode I *cough* *cough* Hitman *end cough*. However, at their best, trailers...for a lack of a better word...."swede" their own movie, leaving in its wake, an unabashful sense of anticipation and enthusiasm for said movie.

So it comes with grrrreat pleasure to announce that Regal Cinemas has just announced that starting this year, they'll run the aforementioned "red band trailers" in theatres nationwide (hey come back kiddies, j/k. We'll put in the graphic violence, sexual content, and copious amounts of objectionable imagery).

Want proof that "red band trailers" work?

Watch the regular trailer for Forgetting Sarah Marshall....then the Red Band version of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and ask yourself....which movie do you want to see more?

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