Monday, March 31, 2008

jb's recap...BEST. WEEK. EVER.-style.

Currently reading: Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (Paperback)by Daniel Goleman

Currently (Re)Watching: Battlestar Galactica: Season 1 ---- BEST. SHOW. EVER....A sci-fi allegory of the war on terror? sign me up :) (I don't think Dustin is ever going to relinquish my DVD set either.....:( )

% of taxes Done: I have relied on Future-JB to do my taxes (Present-JB got wasted this wknd) and either Future-JB did it right, ooooorrr Present-JB is going to jail.

Current Pet Peeve: Why the frak won't open at all?

April Fool's Jokes planned: 2; they don't know what hit them ;)

# of times JB deserves to be slapped: Yeah I'm thinking 2.

What DIDN'T JB eat this week: healthy food.

Life Lesson learned: My XBOX 360 is many things, but a love doctor it is not, alas.

Biggest Poker Accomplishment: Accepting a nice contribution to the "JB-needs-money-for gambling" charity fund, courtesy of

Influences: I'm under one right now ;)

Most contested word on Scrabble: smad.

On a scale of 1 to landfill, our condo is a: landfill.

Current conspiracy theory: Don Nguyen is, in fact, the 12th and final Cylon model.

Finish this sentence: This Thursday, I'm going to (EXPERIENCE MUSIC PROJECT for Free admission Thursdays)

Quote of the week: You can't always get what you want, but if you try might get what you need. ---- The Rolling Stones

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