Tuesday, February 26, 2008

...that makes total sense, Dad...

"....the trick is to stop thinking of it as "your money." --- IRS auditor.

Parsons Seattle Office, bottom floor, 11:00 a.m.

Nilo Bonifacio: "hey son, I just came by to give u some work clothes I bought on clearance."

JB Bonifacio: "cool beans! So...how much does this all cost ya?"

Nilo (looking embarassed): "...thats the thing. I need $300 from you."

JB (flabbergasted): "...WTF?!"

Nilo (looking apologetic) : "....the thing is...I actually need $300 to buy this really good golf clu-"

JB (in standoff mode): " the clothes were a peace offering, weren't they?"

Nilo: "...yeah lol. I don't know if you know this, but if your mom sees the February bank statement and sees '$300 for random impulse buy,' she'll totally go sickhouse on your old man. I want to avoid a paper trail."

Nilo: "...and I love u."

JB: ".........."

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