Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Middlegame in Chess

GMail, 12/20/07

JB, 3:50 PM --- so whats the what with medical school?

Sarah, 3:55 PM --- i'm doing nursing, JB.

JB, 3:56 PM --- sorry, lol. I group THOSE ppl together.

Sarah, 3:57 PM --- well....nothing much...just got my nurse apprentice license. So what's up with being an a**hole?

Sarah, 3:58 PM --- Oh wait, you're an engineer....sorry....I group those together lol ;)

Sarah, 4:00 PM --- burn!

A female confidante' (its not the aforementioned Gmail buddy btw, but they know who they are) once brought an very interesting argument to my attention:

who had it harder in life? the ugliest guy....or the ugliest girl?

White takes Black queen....she did have a point....

Point being said....well...well, allow me to retort:

What's more impossible to find: the perfect girl....or the perfect guy?

Now, I'm not saying our chess match is over by any means; I'm just saying that on behalf of the rest of the y-chromosome-inclined population, I just like to point out: Black effs up White Queen.

Note: JB effigys are probably soon to


bedtimebear said...

job description of engineer: be an @$$hole only as required or per project scope or per recommendation by superior or as deemed necessary to get project done. i work everyday to make sure it gets nailed into the job. w00t w00t...white queen r 2 fail by black pond.

Unknown said...

hi janjan